Chicken wings with potatoes and mushroom

This recipe is special for Janice:)
everything you need
cut the potatoes

cut the mushrooms

add mushrooms on top of potatoes

also the wings

season them with everything you have in your kitchen

add some lemon juice

add one or two spoons of mayonnaise

mix them well

put them in a glass cooking dish

add one cup of water

cover them with aluminum foil

put them in oven for an hour at 450F

shred some cheese

after they are done add the cheese
Pofta Buna!


  1. Am citit de curand ca puii sunt injectati cu hormoni de crestere si injectia se face chiar sub acolo se imprastie in tot corpul. dar ramane o cantitate mare de hormoni acolo.
    Hormonii sintetici sunt raspunzatori de formarea tumorilor in corpul uman.
    eu nu mai iau aripi desi imi placeau.oricum evit cat pot de mult sa mananc carne.
    sa fiti sanatosi!


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