
Ever since I was little I’ve struggled with the fear of heights. I was afraid of climbing trees or riding roller coasters. In April 2010, I decided that I want to overcome my fear and demonstrate to myself that everything is possible if I really want. So, the solution to my problem was skydiving. I know, maybe it sounds crazy, but I choose the extreme. 
One day when I was at the pool with some friends and my husband, I told them I want to go skydiving. My husband looked at me very surprised because he knew I was afraid of heights. The explanation was simple. I was afraid of height, but I wanted so badly to overcome my fear, and I thought this was the best way to do it.
The next step of my adventure was to find six friends who would join me. Why six? – because a group appointment was cheaper. The biggest challenge was to persuade them, to bring them arguments that skydiving is the best thing to do. At the same time, I had to make sure I didn’t show them my uncertainty. After I formed my group, I made the reservation. There were two weeks of waiting prior to the moment when I was going to overcome my fear and do the craziest thing in my life. I had nightmares every night during this period. I was waiting for this moment, but at the same time I didn’t want it to come. Finally, the 21st of August, 2010 came.
our team :)
 We woke up at 6a.m. At 9 a.m. we were supposed to be in Brooklyn, IA. It was nice outside. Now it is easier for me to talk about emotions on that day. The first thing that I did in the morning was to promise myself that I will do skydiving and I will not be a “chicken”. The closer we got to Brooklyn the worse the weather got. We arrived on time, but unfortunately the weather didn’t want to cooperate with us, so we waited till 1p.m. when the sky was clear and the instructor said that is OK to fly. We had ten minutes of training, where the instructor explained the basics rules. What happens if the parachute doesn’t open? Here comes the best part.
I was the forth on the list. I can’t explain my feelings. I was afraid, excited, and tired of waiting. The other two hours of waiting were the longest. I wanted to go up there, jump and finish with all those emotions. I was so scared, not for me this time but for my friends. Somewhere in my consciousness I had questions: What if? What if? What if? I will feel guilty all my life if something bad is going to happen to them because I was the one who convinced them to skydive. In the same time, I tried to think more optimistically and think that everything would be OK and my friends would have the best experience in their lives.  
My husband jumped before me. I was feeling nervous and curios at the same time. I kissed him when he got on the airplane and after he landed. He quickly explained to me how it was, what he felt, and assured me that everything would be OK. He advised me to relax and enjoy the moment.
First of all, I want to say that I had the best instructor. A tall man with blond hair and strong arms who knows his job and knows how to encourage his clients. I felt safe when I found out that he would be my instructor. In the moments of tension, it is nice to have somebody who will make jokes and make you think of something else.
 I was ready to overcome my fear. I was struggling with it for too long. In the airplane the cameraman asked me what was in my mind at that moment. I said that nothing was, - because I didn’t want to think of anything. I wanted to enjoy the moment and feel proud of myself. When the instructor asked me if I was ready for the skydive, I answered from my heart that I was ready. I have a big regret, and maybe this will be the reason for my second time skydiving. In the moment of free fall I closed my eyes. For thirty seconds I didn’t see anything. When you free fall at 120mph you can’t even breathe. I overcame my fear by jumping from ten thousand feet, but I couldn’t make it to see that with my own eyes.

 I am happy that I had the chance to see the beauty in the moment of parachute riding. Riding the parachute was the best part of the skydiving. After the parachute opened, we stopped; at least this is what I felt. The instructor told me to inhale to pop my ears. I was looking around. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing - unusual beauty, an indescribable silence. Everything down below was so little, and I felt so big. If the cameraman had asked me what I was thinking in that moment, I certainly would have had an answer to his question. I was so proud of myself in that moment and I still am. I was thinking that this experience is awesome and I would like to do it again, and more importantly, I forgot about the fear of heights. 

 The landing had passed without incidents. The instructor told me exactly what to do in order not to get injured. Talking about injuries, we met there a professional skydiver who couples weeks ago had an accident. He broke his back. He told us the entire story and in that moment I realized what was the risk we took.  

 The last two friends were in the airplane. We, who already jumped, talked and described how we felt, how the experience was. We were so excited and happy. We waited for the other two friends to land. After taking video and pictures we were ready to go home. It was 8p.m. A day full of adrenaline, emotions, thoughts, fears etc.
If you ask me now what I am afraid of, heights will not be the answer. I will say snakes, bees, spiders. I have a lot of time to get rid of these fears, too. I don’t know if it is correct to say that I struggle with the fear of heights, but this is something that I overcame. I am sure that everybody struggles with something. After my experience, I believe that everything can be solved. Every problem has a solution. We just have to be brave and persistent. Go and do SKYDIVING!!!


  1. nice, vreau si eu!
    shriftu asta imi plsce mai mult!
    tre sa incerc si eu, cea mai inalta saritura pina acum am facut cu roller-coster-ul la aquapark, dar acolo erau poate 100m nu mai mult.
    xo DIa!

  2. Iac shriftu si double spaceul imi dau bataie de cap. Acest post l-am scris intr-un document separat Word dupa care am copiat si am plasat aici, ca altfel nu-mi iesea cum vroiam eu. Treb sa incerc sa gasesc o solutie mai simpla :) Treb neaparat sa te duci sa faci skydiving, nu se compara cu roller-coster-ul :)


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